Category Archives: electoral crisis

Big and Bad

Recent events — or the media imagery thereof — put in my mind an old Thomas Pynchon article, “Is It O.K. To Be A Luddite?” from nearly forty years ago. There’s a photo that could go with this, but it’s … Continue reading

Posted in america, decline of empire, electoral crisis, literature, music, punk rock | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Osama, Mladic, Berlusconi: rough winds do shake

May ended up being a very bad month for the intolerant: first Osama bin Laden, then Ratko Mladic, and now Silvio Berlusconi, whose coalition was dealt a serious blow in run-off mayoral elections all over Italy this past week. Of … Continue reading

Posted in electoral crisis, gypsies, human rights, humor, il cav, immigration, italy, lega nord, roma, the italian left, the italian right | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Berlusconi and Fini explained – in less than 5 minutes

From the geniuses at Beautiful Lab, this video should explain all the Berlusconi-Fini tensions from the past 18 years in five minutes.  Right?  Hattip to

Posted in Bossi, electoral crisis, fini, il cav, italy, the italian right | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

150 Years of Unity?

Italy’s political situation, overshadowed lately by events in Middle East, is grim.  Berlusconi’s coalition totters.  Fini’s breakaway group seems waiting for the right moment.  Indeed this fall March was bandied about as the right time for a vote.  More power … Continue reading

Posted in Bossi, electoral crisis, fini, il cav, italy, lega nord, the italian left, the italian right | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Friday AM briefs

There’s way too much news this week, from the Libya to the milleproroghe, from Macedonia’s electoral crisis to the role of social media in the events that have shaken the Arab world.   Fini’s proclamation that the PM was not … Continue reading

Posted in Balkans, electoral crisis, fini, il cav, italy, macedonia, the italian right | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Friday AM Roundup

What’s great about Friday morning?  Having the Economist placed at your feet.  And even though this is a blog, sometimes it takes having the paper placed in your hands to do a good scan. Premesso’s not-quite week in review, drawn … Continue reading

Posted in art, Balkans, Bossi, electoral crisis, eu, film, il cav, immigration, italy, lega nord, macedonia, obama, the italian left, the italian right, the right in europe, veneto | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Minetti on CNN

[youtube_sc url=] Minetti’s English is not the issue. Someone claimed she was near-native, which is obviously not true, but she speaks English much better than many a company head, tourist operator, receptionist at one of the few blue-chip firms, or … Continue reading

Posted in electoral crisis, il cav, italy, the italian right | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Berlusconi’s Steganography

Yesterday the FT ran the following photo, shot by AP photographer Riccardo de Luca, above-the-fold in its Europe edition.  The unspoken message is clear: you’re old, and it’s time to leave. Even in a recent broadcast, Berlusconi seems old and … Continue reading

Posted in electoral crisis, il cav, italy, the italian right, the right in europe | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lelemore Lelemore

If you find recent write-ups on the doings at Arcore too much to bear lately, then get your day started right with this hilarious Grease parody. Warning: not only do you have to follow the news and Italian, you have … Continue reading

Posted in electoral crisis, humor, il cav, italy, the italian right | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Chains are Broken, the Knives are Sharpened, the Glock is Photographed

Morning roundup: Interesting times in Tunisia.  Is it the Arab’s world Gdansk or is that too much to hope for?  We’ll see.  But it’s something. I was heartened to see that Yglesias also excused himself from blogging extensively on Tunisia … Continue reading

Posted in america, electoral crisis, eu, il cav, immigration, italy, the italian right, tunisia | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment