Category Archives: gypsies

Osama, Mladic, Berlusconi: rough winds do shake

May ended up being a very bad month for the intolerant: first Osama bin Laden, then Ratko Mladic, and now Silvio Berlusconi, whose coalition was dealt a serious blow in run-off mayoral elections all over Italy this past week. Of … Continue reading

Posted in electoral crisis, gypsies, human rights, humor, il cav, immigration, italy, lega nord, roma, the italian left, the italian right | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Magdi Allam’s Politics of Fear

Some readers have criticized my use of the word “nutjob” to describe Magdi Allam. That is admittedly an imprecise description of a journalist-turned-demagogue whose views are nativist at best and racist at worst. Like Oriana Fallaci before him, Allam has … Continue reading

Posted in Bossi, Chinese, gypsies, human rights, il cav, immigration, italy, lega nord, roma, the italian left, the italian right, the right in europe, Via Sarpi | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Life among the Lowly

Journalist-cum-politican Magdi Cristiano Allam loves Italy, he tells us. The Egyptian-born Italian, who made a publicized conversion to Catholicism, seems quick to absorb Italian values — if rampant, no-holds-barred race baiting is an Italian value.  Going far beyond provocative and … Continue reading

Posted in Bossi, Chinatown, Chinese, fini, gypsies, human rights, il cav, immigration, italy, lega nord, maroni, roma, the italian right, the right in europe, Via Sarpi | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

More on the Roma Debate

Berlusconi comes out with Sarkozy against criticism on France’s treatment of Roma. Quoted in Le Figaro yesterday, “[EU Citizen’s Rights Commissioner] Reding would have done better to treat the subject in private with French leaders before speaking publicly as she … Continue reading

Posted in eu, france, gypsies, immigration, italy, lega nord, roma, romania, sarkozy, the right in europe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More on the EU and the Roma

In response to reader Scott, who raises some good points on my last post: Romania is near to being the most impoverished country in Europe, and if there are no jobs in Romania workers will go where the jobs are. … Continue reading

Posted in eu, france, gypsies, immigration, italy, lega nord, maroni, roma, romania, sarkozy | 6 Comments

Expelled: l’intelligence, n’est pas permis

When I first came to live in Italy in late 2007, a debate about immigration that had been simmering for years finally began to boil over. As the Prodi government staggered and fell, a coalition government, led by Berlusconi’s newly-branded … Continue reading

Posted in gypsies, immigration, italy, maroni, roma | 3 Comments