Tag Archives: immigration

Enoch Powell

Apropos of the histrionic tone towards immigration that Italy’s runoff elections took recently, it’s interesting to take a look at how the issue was approached in Britain 43 years ago by Enoch Powell, the conservative firebrand best remembered for his … Continue reading

Posted in BBC, Bossi, decline of empire, immigration, italy, lega nord, the italian right, the right in europe | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Duomo & Sarpi: stories behind images

In an effort to provide a little context for Magdi’s provocative posters, some reading from the archives in order to illuminate exactly what happened: The praying at piazza Duomo was connected to protests against the Gaza War and happened on … Continue reading

Posted in Bossi, Chinatown, Chinese, eu, freedom, human rights, il cav, immigration, italy, lega nord, maroni, roma, the italian right, the right in europe, Via Sarpi | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Friday AM Roundup

What’s great about Friday morning?  Having the Economist placed at your feet.  And even though this is a blog, sometimes it takes having the paper placed in your hands to do a good scan. Premesso’s not-quite week in review, drawn … Continue reading

Posted in art, Balkans, Bossi, electoral crisis, eu, film, il cav, immigration, italy, lega nord, macedonia, obama, the italian left, the italian right, the right in europe, veneto | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thanksgiving Day post

You may be thinking of Ben Franklin as you dig into your turkey.  Recall — as a graffito artist in my neighborhood apparently has — that the founding father also noted, as many a revolutionary did, that “they that can … Continue reading

Posted in america, human rights, immigration, music, Via Sarpi | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Violence at Cinecitta’ Station

Nasty violence at Cinecitta’ station at the end of Rome’s Line A metro yesterday, in full daylight: after an argument in the line over whose turn it was, a 20-year old Roman struck a 32-year old Romanian nurse in the … Continue reading

Posted in immigration, romania | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Immigration is Not Zero-Sum

Elisabetta Burba had a story in this week’s Panorama on Italy’s Chinese population.  It’s really not bad writing in that it lists many success stories and is generally favorable.  It includes details I didn’t know, such as a quote from one … Continue reading

Posted in Chinatown, Chinese, immigration, italy | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Swiss Intolerance

If you thought Lega Nord images stereotyping Southern Italians and immigrants were bad, check out this new poster against the opening of Swiss borders to Italian (and other European – presumably Romanian) workers. Given that hordes of Milanese commute to … Continue reading

Posted in eu, human rights, immigration, lega nord, romania, the right in europe | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Svezia, inferno e paradiso

One expects political upheaval in Italy. After all, the country has had as many governments as Boliva since World War Two, and my primer on Italian politics had a photo of parliamentarians fist-fighting on the cover. But — Sweden? As … Continue reading

Posted in eu, immigration, italy, lega nord, the italian right, the right in europe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More on the Roma Debate

Berlusconi comes out with Sarkozy against criticism on France’s treatment of Roma. Quoted in Le Figaro yesterday, “[EU Citizen’s Rights Commissioner] Reding would have done better to treat the subject in private with French leaders before speaking publicly as she … Continue reading

Posted in eu, france, gypsies, immigration, italy, lega nord, roma, romania, sarkozy, the right in europe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Donadio on Prato today

I don’t want this to become a blog just filled with links to outside sources. BUT, with that caveat in mind, check out Rachel Donadio’s excellent piece on the Chinese influence in Prato in today’s NYT. Analysis and thoughts to … Continue reading

Posted in Chinatown, Chinese, eu, immigration, italy, lega nord | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment