Tag Archives: fini

Berlusconi and Fini explained – in less than 5 minutes

From the geniuses at Beautiful Lab, this video should explain all the Berlusconi-Fini tensions from the past 18 years in five minutes.  Right?  Hattip to Owni.eu.

Posted in Bossi, electoral crisis, fini, il cav, italy, the italian right | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

150 Years of Unity?

Italy’s political situation, overshadowed lately by events in Middle East, is grim.  Berlusconi’s coalition totters.  Fini’s breakaway group seems waiting for the right moment.  Indeed this fall March was bandied about as the right time for a vote.  More power … Continue reading

Posted in Bossi, electoral crisis, fini, il cav, italy, lega nord, the italian left, the italian right | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Friday AM briefs

There’s way too much news this week, from the Libya to the milleproroghe, from Macedonia’s electoral crisis to the role of social media in the events that have shaken the Arab world.   Fini’s proclamation that the PM was not … Continue reading

Posted in Balkans, electoral crisis, fini, il cav, italy, macedonia, the italian right | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Of New Princes

I realize how remiss I’ve been to have a blog on Italian politics without addressing, at least directly, the very acute crisis that Italian politics is going through right now. Angelo Panebianco’s front-page editorial in yesterday’s Corriere directly assigned the … Continue reading

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