Monthly Archives: September 2018

M&M Enterprise Cooking, Vol. XII

Caponata Siciliana – September 17 This will be the last for a bit, as I’m off to the land of good and accessible food soon enough. I found myself with far too many good fresh vegetables and jarred items the … Continue reading

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M&M Enterprise Cooking, Vol. XI

Penne con cozze e melanzane   With one eggplant from last weeks’ veggie haul left, and some frozen Chilean mussels, I decided to adapt this. The idea of seafood plus eggplant is clearly a southern one, but one I’m starting … Continue reading

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M&M Enterprise Cooking, Vol. X

Srpska salata It’s been a few days of rich and bountiful eating, so I decided to go for something lighter, not to mention the cucumbers and tomatoes, so fresh a few days ago, were in danger of getting overripe. It’s … Continue reading

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M&M Enterprise Cooking, Vol. IX

Gumbo all’afghana – September 9, Martyr’s Day It’s a long weekend, so another day to cook. We’ll deviate from the usual Italian theme due to availability of  local produce. Having come into a large quantity of okra, I was at … Continue reading

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M&M Enterprise Cooking, Vol. VIII

Fusilli con gamberi e melanzane – September 8 Cooking, being an inexact science, sometimes surprises and sometimes disappoints. It reminds one of musical improv or other strange mixings where sometimes, you can follow the instructions and end up with an … Continue reading

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M&M Enterprise Cooking, Vol. VII

Peperonata all’Afghana – September 7 By dint of kindness and good luck, I obtained three bags of fresh veg lately — eggplants, fresh tomatoes (thankfully, since the ones flown into here are a crime), okra, peppers, onions, and cucumbers. So … Continue reading

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M&M Enterprise Cooking, Vol. VI

September 3 — Pasta con bietola e pancetta Warning: this dish looks much healthier than it probably is With the leftover pancetta from the amatriciana and some frozen bietola, I had a couple of options. Basically an amalgamation of these … Continue reading

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