Category Archives: romania

Violence at Cinecitta’ Station

Nasty violence at Cinecitta’ station at the end of Rome’s Line A metro yesterday, in full daylight: after an argument in the line over whose turn it was, a 20-year old Roman struck a 32-year old Romanian nurse in the … Continue reading

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Swiss Intolerance

If you thought Lega Nord images stereotyping Southern Italians and immigrants were bad, check out this new poster against the opening of Swiss borders to Italian (and other European – presumably Romanian) workers. Given that hordes of Milanese commute to … Continue reading

Posted in eu, human rights, immigration, lega nord, romania, the right in europe | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

More on the Roma Debate

Berlusconi comes out with Sarkozy against criticism on France’s treatment of Roma. Quoted in Le Figaro yesterday, “[EU Citizen’s Rights Commissioner] Reding would have done better to treat the subject in private with French leaders before speaking publicly as she … Continue reading

Posted in eu, france, gypsies, immigration, italy, lega nord, roma, romania, sarkozy, the right in europe | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More on the EU and the Roma

In response to reader Scott, who raises some good points on my last post: Romania is near to being the most impoverished country in Europe, and if there are no jobs in Romania workers will go where the jobs are. … Continue reading

Posted in eu, france, gypsies, immigration, italy, lega nord, maroni, roma, romania, sarkozy | 6 Comments