Tag Archives: berlusconi


I’m not going to even pretend that this will be easily comprehenisble to those without a command of both what’s going with Berlusconi these days and the Italian language, although the Corriere‘s English language edition — serviceable but nothing compared … Continue reading

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Weekly digest: more Berlusca, the seriousness of ‘bunga-bunga’, more rain, and more Republicans

It’s been awhile and no updates. Yet, in the US we’ve had the midterms, which happened pretty much as predicted, and here in Italy Berlusconi again dominates the headlines with another sex scandal. At this point I’m so fatigued by … Continue reading

Posted in electoral crisis, il cav, italy, jack conway, milania, music, rand paul, the italian left, the italian right | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Of New Princes

I realize how remiss I’ve been to have a blog on Italian politics without addressing, at least directly, the very acute crisis that Italian politics is going through right now. Angelo Panebianco’s front-page editorial in yesterday’s Corriere directly assigned the … Continue reading

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