Category Archives: milania

Fashion Week Begins

The fashion week party, or rather, pre-party drink like one of those early punk shows I went to when I was a boy: you feel you have total freedom to do whatever because everyone is doing anything. A man is … Continue reading

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Weekly digest: more Berlusca, the seriousness of ‘bunga-bunga’, more rain, and more Republicans

It’s been awhile and no updates. Yet, in the US we’ve had the midterms, which happened pretty much as predicted, and here in Italy Berlusconi again dominates the headlines with another sex scandal. At this point I’m so fatigued by … Continue reading

Posted in electoral crisis, il cav, italy, jack conway, milania, music, rand paul, the italian left, the italian right | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Bird is the Most Popular Finger

Riding my bike home from work I decided to go through Piazza Affari to check out the Borsa. I was left gape-mouthed by a gigantic middle finger. I wasn’t sure if it was an accident or not. It’s not. By … Continue reading

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