Category Archives: kosovo

Vlastimir Đorđević at the Hague

[youtube_sc url=] (Video primarily in Serbian although the judge speaks in English.) Readers of yesterday’s post, which quoted Rory Stewart questioning the ability of the UN and similar organizations to do much of anything, might’ve detected a hint of disappointment. … Continue reading

Posted in Balkans, human rights, international justice, kosovo, serbia, UN | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More Zungu Zungu, less Bunga Bunga

This site isn’t meant to break news. But there’s been a near-perfect storm of events — so much excellent newsworthy material on Italy, the Balkans and international relations in general, and not nearly enough time to bang out a coherent … Continue reading

Posted in Balkans, Bossi, electoral crisis, fini, il cav, immigration, italy, kosovo, lega nord, serbia, the italian right, Wikileaks | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Organ Harvesting in Kosovo

It’s such a common urban legend that it’s almost the stuff of jokes.  But organ theft is, apparently, alive and well, and right here in what’s loosely called “Europe.” Carla del Ponte caused a minor stir a couple of years … Continue reading

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