Category Archives: education

On Neutrality and Great Powers

From Henry Adams’ Education of Henry Adams: Minister Adams felt the same compulsion. He bluntly told Russell that while he was “willing to acquit” Gladstone of “any deliberate intention to bring on the worst effects,” he was bound to say … Continue reading

Posted in america, decline of empire, education, war | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Review of Peter Hessler’s River Town

Peter Hessler was a Peace Corps volunteer in Sichuan in 1996-1998 and his book chronicling his life there, River Town, is an excellent Peace Corps memoir. Even though I can’t think of a place more different from Macedonia, where I served, … Continue reading

Posted in america, Balkans, Chinese, education, international development, macedonia | Leave a comment

Class is in session

Meanwhile, the first week of school last week meant tons of education reform excitement in Italy (as well as less posted from your chronicler).  Yes — a subject that usually makes most Americans huddle and cry while as vaguely-defined horrors … Continue reading

Posted in education, eu, gelmini, italy, the italian left | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment